Thursday, May 10, 2007

Surat Thani

We figured out what happens with the trains now. You get on and all the seats are as per usual then at about 9 o'clock a man comes around and turns them into beds. This was good as we didn't have to try and sleep from about 2:30pm (although Lianne still did!).
The train got to Surat Thani (the stopping off point for Koh Samui) at about 12 midnight. It was all a bit stressful as the train station is in the middle of nowhere and the only people at the station were sleazy looking "taxi" drivers. We were the only foreigners who got off the train at that station as well, which worried us a little too. The taxi driver "recommended" a hotel and we knew we were going to get ripped off. We suggested another, cheaper one, and he took us there but they just said "no" when we asked if there were any rooms - we don't think round eyes were welcome at that place! We ended up at the hotel he originally suggested which was a little bit more than we wanted to spend but still not expensive.
In the morning we got up and explored Surat Thani a little - there's not much there at all. We then set off for the pier to catch the ferry to Koh Samui. After a couple of abortive attempts to catch a bus and a taxi there we ended up going back to our hotel and getting them to sort it out for us. We were trying to be really budget but we were just making hard work for ourselves! We've learnt to just pay the extra 100Bhat and make it all nice and easy.
From there on in it became nice and easy, if typically chaotic in a typical Thai way. Minibus to bus station to another minibus, no wait, get off that one and on to another one, drive real fast to the pier then wait around then onto the ferry. 2 1/2 hours later we arrived at Koh Samui.

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