Monday, April 30, 2007

Kuala Lumpur

We haven't actually done very much here, so it's difficult to know what to say...
We're staying with my mate Pete and his free internet and a 40"LCD TV and a swimming pool, so we shall try not to over exert ourselves.
We travelled up on Sunday from Singapore to KL, which is a 7 hour train journey (but only 325km, so not exactly a fast train). The trains are very comfortable and at only S$34 (NZ$30/GBP11) it was pretty cheap.
Pete picked us up at the station and on the way back we had time to grab a sandwich and get my ATM card eaten. Only 4 days into the trip and we were already one bank card down, so that didn't look so good.
That evening we went out for a nice Italian meal (soaking up the local culture you see...) and a few glasses of wine with Pete, Uma and a couple of their friends.
Monday was a late start (which we understand to be standard for most shops in Malaysia) and first stop was the bank to try and get my card back. Well, first stop was actually Mickey Ds - more local culture you see. With no card yet, we headed off to see if we could go up the KL towers. The good news was that they did free tours up the towers, the bad news was they did it every day except Monday. Arse.
After a therapeutic cup of tea and some chocolate we headed off home, however this was harder than we thought as we failed to find the train station after we left the KL towers (we later discovered that the train station is in the KL towers, so not so smart there).
Back at the apartment the good news was that my ATM card had been located so a quick trip to the bank and we were all good. Celebrated by a quick dip in the apartment complex's pool.
That night the four of us headed down the road for some traditional Indian-Malaysian food, which was essentially Indian food but with some noodles. Very nice though, and not bad for RM25 for all four of us (NZ$10/GBP3.60)!
We rounded the evening off with a reflexology massage for the girls and vast amounts of gin for the boys (as you do!).

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