Monday, April 30, 2007


So we left on the 26th on a 10 1/2 hour flight from Auckland to Singapore. I laughed in the face of a measly 10 1/2 hour flight, it was barely enough time to watch four movies, all of which were a little bit disappointing (maybe I've coined a new collective noun, "a disappointment of movies").
We managed to come by some free accommodation in Singapore via Pete's girlfriend Uma who has an apartment there that she wasn't using. We made it to her place at about 10pm and crashed out.
The next day we were up early and jumped on the train to head towards Singapore Zoo. The public transport system in Singapore is very good, although a little bit more complicated than we thought. 30 minutes of wandering around looking for our bus eventually got us heading in the right direction and we got to the Zoo about 10:30.
It's a pretty big zoo and very open with few cages. At times you feel like some of the apes and monkeys could fall down right on top of you and it felt like you were in the enclosure with them.
We particularly liked the baboons, the Komodo dragons and the elephant show.
Just as we were about done the heavens opened and one of those regular thunderstorms swept in and it p*ssed down for about 1 1/2 hours. We caught the bus into town and decided to get our train ticket for Singapore to KL. This was harder than we thought as MasterCard wasn't accepted at the train station and the nearest ATM was another 15 minutes walk back from where we came!
After this we headed back to the apartment and then out to some local outdoor eatery for some fried rice, prawns and a very big bottle of Tiger beer.
The next day was spent exploring Singapore city, particularly Chinatown, Little India, the Arab Quarter and the waterfront area. As this was done all on foot we were pretty sore by the end of it all.
The food here can be very cheap and I have to admit to feeling a bit guilty when I sat down in a coffee shop and bought a $4 cup of tea when I'd just walked past a restaurant selling a $2 meal!
That evening we went back to the same place for dinner (and another very big Tiger beer) before bed. An early night as we needed to be at the train station by 8am for our train to KL.

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